v0: oscilator

v0: pendulum

prostorna instalacija
3M3 - Tracing The Millieu: What Were You Thinking?
kustos: Marija Bjelić
galerija Kolektiv
Beograd, Srbija
spatial installation
3M3 - Tracing The Millieu: What Were You Thinking?
curator: Marija Bjelić
gallery Kolektiv
Belgrade, Serbia

NIŠTA se matematički označava nulom, koja grafički predstavlja prazninu unutar zaokruženog prostora. Nula - ništica je ceo broj koji sledi posle broja -1 a prethodi broju 1.

Projektovana instalacija alat je za ispitivanje integriteta i stabilnosti stanja prikazanog prizora u okruženju koje ga povremeno privremeno destabilizuje. Nulto projektovano stanje metafora je realizacije inicijalne stvaralačke zamisli, dok je svaka od destabilizacija posledica nepredvidivosti konteksta.

Cilj je iniciranje promišljanja o promeni i konstanti; mirovanju i pokretu; okosnici i oscilaciji; u arhitekturi, ili nekoj drugoj interesnoj sferi posmatrača/prolaznika.

Svaki pokret, bljesak, zrak sunca, oblak, odsjaj ili automobilski far prizoru daju nov karakter.

Može li on održati svoje nulto stanje?

Rad v0: oscilator jedan je od početnih koraka u hvatanju neuhvatljivog odgovora na pitanje Šta bi bilo kad ne bi bilo ništa? i pokušaj je dokučivanja fizičkih, prostornih i ambijentalnih karakteristika tog ničega. Naravno, ovo ništa nije zaista ništa, već je samo predstava proživljenih, ali i onih još uvek nedovršenih, iskustvenih sekvenci koje destabilizuju i ostavljaju autentičan trag, ali ostaju bez fizičke, prostorne ili ambijentalne manifestacije kojom bi se o njima svedočilo. Baš zbog toga, v0: oscilator postavlja se kao svojevrstan efemerni spomenik ničemu, ništici – nuli.


Nothing is mathematically denoted by zero, which graphically represents a void within a circle. Zero is a whole number that follows number -1 and precedes number 1.

Designed installation is a tool for testing the integrity and stability of the exhibited scene’s state in an environment that is occasionally, temporarily, destabilizing it. The zero state ofthe designed scene is a metaphor for the material realization of an initial creative idea, while each one of the outer destabilizations is an inevitable consequence - the result of unpredictabilities of the context.

The goal is to initiate a thinking process about relations between the change and theconstant; the stillness and the movement; the axe and the oscillation; in architecture - orany other area of interest, depending solely on the observer.

Every movement, flash, a ray of light, a shadow of a cloud, traffic glare, or a vehicle flareare giving a new character to the scene.

Is it going to be able to maintain its initial state?

v0: the oscillator is one of the initial steps in the process of capturing an elusive answer tothe question What would be if there were nothing? and is an attempt to master thephysical, spatial and ambient characteristics of nothingness. Of course, this nothingnessisn’t really nothing - it is just a representation of the experienced, but also of those yetunfinished, unexperienced life sequences that destabilize and leave an authentic trace, butremain without a physical, spatial or ambient testimony. For this reason, v0: the oscillatoris designed as an ephemeral monument to nothing, zero - nought.